The Morally Destructive Face of Evolution

    The decision to have faith in evolution is the same decision to deny G-d

    Spectacular Lightning Storm Lights Up Australian Skies – Watch

    The stormy conditions in Kimberley, Australia were a welcome change from a severe heatwave that has plagued the region. Wonders…

    You did Teshuva? Don’t Forget 7 Things!

    You should remember ‘boxing’, ‘bridges’, ‘question mark’ and other important things.

    Chassidic Lag BaOmer Mix

    Listen to a collection of the best Chassidic Lag BaOmer melodies. Enjoy

    Y-Studs: VeUhavtu & Baruch Hashem – Acapella Style

    Another vocal masterpiece from Y-Studs. Enjoy

    Vitamin D Helps Heal Burns

    It also prevents the forming of scar tissue

    The Torah’s familiarity with EVERY animal in the world

    The Torah reveals one of the secrets of nature. Among the thousands of species of domesti-cated and wild animals in…

    Journey of the Soul: Just Like You – 8th Day

    A student goes to visit a Jewish sage, and is astounded to see the sage has virtually nothing in his…

    All Is According To the Amount Of Action

    Dividing one's goal into small parts can enable a person to achieve much more as each small act towards the…

    Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s Message: Make Sure Your Home is Peaceful

    “Stringencies taken on by novices have nothing to do with Halacha and can cause domestic strife”
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