Intimacy: The Foundation

    The wedding ceremony between man and woman is ​the penultimate expression of who Jewish people are to the rest of…

    Living Shmittah: A new, Exciting Challenge for Immigrants

    A whole new level of holiness and a new awareness of how we treat food, its significance, and its specialness.…

    Causes for Delayed Marriage

    In our generation, the number of people awaiting marriage is very large relative to the number of those in previous…

    The Teachings of Our Sages on Marital Harmony

    "The sages have ordered that a man must honor his wife more than he honors himself and love her as…

    Juiciest Ever Chicken Burgers (PLUS Chunky Tomato Guacamole)

    Your body won’t have any regret if you make ‘em and neither will your taste buds!

    When family ties can’t bind

    My nephew conned my son out of money, then he ruined a promising shidduch prospect, should i speak up?

    Watch: Turtle’s Stunning Glow, Discovered in the Depths of the Pacific

    A delegation of two investigators sent to the Pacific in order to trace the phenomenon of bio-fluorescence (biological glow) in…

    Women to know : The spirituality she’d sought in the ashram she found in Judaism

    Husband first, kids second, seminary third... It has to be that way

    Extending the Influence of Shabbat

    It is so important that we all attempt to make the Shabbat influence stretch over as much of the work-week…

    The coin

    Disguising himself as a stranger, Eliyahu descended into the world and handed the man a shekel
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