How to Respond to your Wife’s Complaints

    Each spouse should focus on what applies to him/her rather than focus on the responsibilities of the other

    Watch – How Did the Dog React to Drowning Child?

    Proof that dog is man's best friend. Gone viral

    Do Religious Jews Live Longer?

    The answer is yes inspite of lower economic status. What is their secret?

    Genetics and our sages – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Did You Know, That recently discovered Laws of Genetics were Known and Practiced Thousands of Years ago by our Sages?

    Help Me Believe I Can Repair

    A personal prayer for help in becoming better you can use in the N’eila service

    How to Deal with Depression

    Depression is one of the major problems of our age. What is the cause of depression? What is the cure…

    Proving the Truth

    Only the “Manufacturer” of Creation can supply an exact, tailor-fit system of “operating instructions” for the complex human beings which…

    Watch: Ariel View of Masada – Magical

    Breathtaking drone footage of Masada, Israel. Masada was the last stronghold held by the Jewish Zealots who refused to submit…

    Como deve ser minha mesa de Shabat?

    Você realmente deve desfrutar de iguarias no Shabat e isso é sagrado!

    G-d’s Eternal Love for Us

    G-d's love for us is eternal and its pleasure is indescribable. Testimony from someone who experienced it and came back…
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