All Is According To the Amount Of Action

    Dividing one's goal into small parts can enable a person to achieve much more as each small act towards the…

    Watch How this Farmer Controls his Ducks

    Dogs are not the only animals that can be trained. See how this farmer has trained his ducks. Very impressive

    You Can Become Great!

    Discover the latent talents, power and holiness inside you and use them to become great

    These are the Soldiers who were on the Bus Hamas Blew Up

    The great miracle that is stirring up the world: The group of religious soldiers that miraculously survived the bus attacked…

    The Chafetz Chaim’s 3 Minute Speech

    He helped get everyone's priorities straight

    The Impact of Elul

    The Shofar is a wakeup call to prepare for the new year

    How do Giraffes find a Comfortable Sleeping Position?

    In this unique gallery you’ll see how giraffes manage to relax their long necks and find a satisfying sleeping position

    Taking Precautions

    Should one take precautions when hearing gossip, in case the information is true? Is it permissible to accept gossip if…

    Couple : demandez au Rav.

    Nous pensons au mariage mais les parents s'opposent.
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