Watch: Unique Fishing Technique

    See this fisherman’s creative method for capturing huge fish. Gone viral

    Watch More Wonders of Creation: The ’Bird’ Tree

    Every day flocks of birds nest in this tree. A photographer managed to capture the moment the birds leave their…

    Slovie Wolff: The Torah’s Guidance Applies to Everyone

    We break self-centeredness, by learning to sweat for another person

    Zalman Pollack: Havdalah – Music Video

    You just finished extinguishing your Havdala candles, bringing an end to the light of Shabbat. Hold onto it for just…

    Am I Emotionally Ill?

    I’m suffering and depressed and feel there’s no way out. Is there any way to fight back?

    A Group of 15 Year Old Girls Sew Blankets for Preemies in Neo-Natal Ward

    They lovingly thought of others battling for their babies’ lives instead of shooting ‘selfies’ all day


    Pourquoi le risque de mort subite du nourrisson augmente lorsqu’il se trouve chez la nourrice ?

    Dodging the barbs

    Should she reveal to her husband her mother-in-law’s snide remarks?

    How Did the Bus Driver Make it Home for Shabbat?

    His passengers came to the rescue!

    Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov

    Rav Yisrael ben Eliezer, known to chassidim as the “Holy Ba’al Shem Tov,” the founder and leader of the chassidic…
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