If I Were a Rich Man

    Can I ever be rich?

    Are We Alone in the Universe?

    NASA found a few thousand planets beyond our solar system with 10 having conditions similar to earth

    A Hospital Encounter Made in Heaven

    The father of the sick child said he would become religious if he would see yeshiva students studying in the…

    What’s the Difference Between Judaism and Other Religions?

    Judaism is not afraid to declare that G-d gave His Torah to His chosen people in front of the entire…

    Maestro Aharon Zeev Bernstein presents: a clip on the art of sand painting

    The artist Aharon Zeev Bernstein specializes in the art of sand painting, and creates real-looking illustrations and displays for the…

    Watch: Smart Elephant Paints Self Portrait

    See how Suda the elephant paints himself on canvas. Unbelievable talent

    Tisha B’Av – Reflecting on Rebuilding the Temple

    We don't even know what we're missing

    Watch: Israeli Swat Team Forces Practice Infiltration of Terrorists and Hostages

    Israeli swat team forces practiced an exercise of terrorists infiltrating into a settlement, and a hostage situation. The exercise tested…

    You Make Sense and Yet You’re Wrong

    Give him what he needs, not what you think he needs

    Thinking outside the box – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    Looking for creative solutions to problems and not giving up easily can spell the difference between success and failure.
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