The Essence of Communication

    Does G-d communicate with us? Do we hear what He has to say?

    All Because of a Tiny Booklet

    Alon Tahori lived a double life. The dilemma between becoming religious and continuing his routine life troubled him for years…

    How to Fight the Evil Inclination

    Differences and similarities between conventional wars and the war against the evil inclination

    Samuel the Prophet

    He came from the tribe of Levi, was a descendant of Korach, and his mother Chana was barren for many…

    Teachings of Rav Yaakov Yosef of Polnoy

    The primary disciple of the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov and the author of the first chassidic sefer ever printed -…

    Learn How to Really Trust in God

    There are 2 thoughts that a person must embrace in order to acquire real Trust in God. Brought to you…

    Shem and Yefet – Holiness and Beauty

    The battle of Chanukah was far more than a conflict between two warring nations, it was a clash of two…

    Os dois níveis da observação do Shabat

    Existem dois aspectos para observar o Shabat - um é abster-se da atividade da vida agitada proibida, e o outro…

    This is how the United States Army Eliminated the ISIS Leader – Watch

    The footage, taken by a drone, shows the special forces of the United States Army raiding the compound in the…

    Touching Gallery: Before and After Cancer

    Adults and children from around the world share pictures of themselves undergoing and overcoming cancer. Inspiring images
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