Miami Boys Choir: Esmach – Official Music Video

    Entertaining musical performance by the legendary Miami Boys Choir. Directed & Composed by Yerachmiel Begun. Enjoy

    The Ideal Amount of Sleep – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    What goes on when we sleep? Is it just a matter of letting our body rest? Prof. Robert Stickgold: "During…

    An Inexplicable Sin (Parshat Chukat)

    Anger has no place in our lives

    See Funniest Wildlife Photos Of 2018

    It's all about timing. See a selection of the funniest wildlife photos of 2018

    The Anniversary of the Holy Ohr Hachaim’s Passing

    The "Ohr Hachaim" commentary and its author won the admiration of all Torah scholars, but especially those from the chassidic…

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant, They Both Go through the Same Things (Part One)

    If you understand what an immigrant goes through you’ll understand what a Baal Teshuva goes through

    Who Am “I”? Man Mistakenly Assumes that “He” is His Body

    From the moment man comes to the world, he is naturally driven to take care of himself. Doing all he…

    Women to know : Dr. Carlebach Jofen is paving the way for the next generation of women

    Every woman can find a personal equilibrium, each one has to actualize her potential

    Q & A: Is it Permissible to Celebrate Thanksgiving?

    Is celebrating Thanksgiving considered to be avoda zara (idol worship), or chukat hagoyim?

    Are Inanimate Objects Alive?

    Matter is not what it appears to be. Modern science teaches us that the electrons which are constantly in motion…
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