On Good Authority

    The butcher

    100% Emunah – Faith

    This is our number 1 test

    Teachings of Rav Chaim Tyrer of Czernowitz

    A disciple of Rav Yechiel Michel, the Maggid of Zlotchov , and the author of “Be’er Mayim Chaim” and “Sidduro…

    Good Bad and In Between

    Can you really be in between?

    Is a Cure for Alzheimer’s Here?

    Researchers in Oxford University think so

    Gallery: When Nature meets Photography

    Look through a gorgeous collection of nature images from 2017. Wonders of Creation

    The Morally Destructive Face of Evolution

    The decision to have faith in evolution is the same decision to deny G-d

    Why Can’t We Make Peace with the Palestinians?

    Where did they come from and why aren’t they partners for peace?

    Is There Life on Other Planets?

    Human beings have always asked the question: Do plants, animal life, or even sophisticated cultures exist on other planets? What…

    Shabbat – Resting the Way God Rests

    It is essential to develop an understanding of the idea of 'rest' that is so central to this holy day.…
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