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    VIDEO: Six13 – A Hamilton Chanukah (introduced by President Barack Obama)

    I am not throwing gelt in the pot / I am not throwing gelt in the pot / I'm straight…

    An Optimistic Approach to Life – Rabbi Dov Greenberg

    Life can be so difficult at times, every day comes along with its unique challenges. Rabbi Dov Greenberg offers an…

    Watch: How to Rescue an Elephant Stuck in the Mud

    Touching: This elephant was stuck in the mud somewhere in Kenya for more than half a day, when kind individuals…

    The Inner Reality of Clothing

    Our intrinsic holiness mandates our wearing clothing

    “Shabbat HaGadol” é como Yom Kippur

    Neste Shabat ocorreram dois grandes milagres, as almas de Israel são purificadas de todas as falhas e pecados e isso…

    Ahavti – By Young Superstar Yedidya Weksler

    What a sensational voice - Enjoy

    Background matters

    A guy who’s divorced or one who grew up in a dysfunctional home

    The Secret Life of Plants – Do Plants have Feelings?

    In 1970, the leading Russian newspaper Pravda announced in an explosive headline: “Plants Speak. Yes, They Shout! Only to Avoid…

    Library Book 60 Years Overdue Was Finally Returned!

    The overdue fine was 93,600 shekel but a handshake sufficed instead
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