Mordechai Shapiro: Friends – Official Music Video

    “I’ve Got my friends” - Composed by Mordechai Shapiro & Yitzy Waldner, Produced by Mordechai Shapiro, Yehuda Fein & Meir…

    Happiness, the Life Saver

    Happiness will get someone out of depair to hope

    Why do many Jewish Men use the Mikvah before Shabbat?

    Immersion in a mikvah brings about a level of spiritual purity

    Who Says You Can’t Change Other People?

    A person can indirectly influence another person's behavior by improving his own behavior

    Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

    The former Rabbi of the Western Wall, Rabbi Meir Yehuda Getz Zt”l said he’s seen it

    Watch: Sanctification of G-d’s Name in the Far East

    Am Yisrael Chai: A heartfelt Mincha prayer on a construction site in one of the Far Eastern countries. Gone viral

    Trinta e nove trabalhos proibidos no shabat

    Quadrinhos: " O  trabalho de acender"

    Shmueli Ungar: ‘Mach A Bracha’ – Music Video

    Every day, from when we wake up, till we go to bed, we have the opportunity to make blessings. In…

    If a shidduch is bashert

    Rav Yehudah Halevi, the author of the Kuzari, was a very wealthy man. He had only one daughter, who had…

    What Does Shabbat Mean to You?

    Here's what it means to the man on the street
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