Bad Bouncing

    Trampoline parks: a blast and a half or possibly dangerous?

    Giving Charity with a Smile

    The reason that people tend to find it difficult to give charity with a smile is because there are so…

    A Tainted Donation

    Why did Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov Kanievsky refuse to receive $20,000 to distribute to the poor and then, minutes later, change…

    The Place Where They Belong: New Release by Abie Rotenberg & Boruch Levine

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    Overview of the Auschwitz Album—Photographic Proof of the Process Leading to Mass Murder

    The Auschwitz Album is the only surviving visual evidence of the process leading to the mass murder at Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Scarlet Fever is Making a Comeback

    Why it disappeared is a mystery and why it came back is a bigger mystery

    The Easy Way to Remove a Splinter

    A resourceful mother relieves her daughter’s pain with a brilliant idea

    It Depends How You Look At It

    We can choose how we see our spouse’s character traits

    Nicholas Winton – The Man who Saved Hundreds of Jews from the Holocaust

    Watch the inspiring true story of how Sir Nicholas Winton saved 669 Jewish children from the Nazi’s. “I work on…

    These Days are an Opportunity, Don’t Let Them Slip By!

    Ten points about the precious “Shovavim” days.
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