Esav – No Room for Growth

    Perhaps Esav’s most famous spiritual descendants were the Romans, who dominated most of the known world for centuries. They emulated…

    O SHABAT – Visitando o “Palácio do Rei” – 2

    O SHABAT - Parte 2: "Obra" e "Trabalho", “Melachá” e “Avodá” 

    Writing a Torah Scroll and Sewing a Torah Scroll Mantel for a Reform Temple

    May one write a Torah scroll for a Reform congregation, because after all, they are Jews and are obligated in…

    Keeping Healthy – Rule B: Regulating the Amount of Food Intake

    Contrary to popular belief, eating large amounts of healthy food is not necessarily a good thing. The truth is, that…

    All Because of a Tiny Booklet

    Alon Tahori lived a double life. The dilemma between becoming religious and continuing his routine life troubled him for years…

    Shacharit: Morning Prayer – Ashkenaz – Part 2

    Click Here For Part 1 אַשְׁרֵי יושְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ. עוד יְהַלְלוּךָ סֶּלָה: אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שֶׁכָּכָה לּו. אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שֶׁה’ אֱלהָיו: תְּהִלָּה לְדָוִד. אֲרומִמְךָ…

    The Patient Asked for a Blessing for the Success of the Operation, and was Amazed by Rabbi Kanievsky’s Response

    What did Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky answer a patient who asked for a blessing for the success of the operation, and…

    Gallery: “The Magic of the Ocean”

    For the past decade, the University of Marine Sciences in Miami has conducted a unique competition, seeking magical images of…

    Three Years of Sun in Three Minutes – Wonders of Creation

    Incredible Footage: This video shows images of the sun over three years at a pace of two images per day.…
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