The Ultimate Goal of Successful Education – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The measure of success in education is how the child behaves when he is not with his parents and teachers…

    Yitzchak Avinu – The Middle Stage

    Why does the Torah record so few events in Yitzchak’s life?

    The Secret of Love

    Why did G-d create love?

    In Honor of His Yohrtzeit: Ten Facts About Rabbi Elimelech of Lyzhensk

    Today the 21st of Adar is his Yohrtzeit. What can we learn from Rabbi Elimelech’s ways?

    Holocaust Survivor Shmuel Beller Tells his Life Story at the Western Wall – Must See

    Shmuel Beller, 92, came to recite morning prayers at the Western Wall. Watch him relate his personal story as a…

    Comunicating with the dead – The truth about séances

    British researcher, Arthur Findlay:"I know that if thirteen years ago I myself had been asked to believe these strange accounts…

    More Helpful Tips for Married Women – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Essential advice for maintaining marital harmony from Rabbi Zamir Cohen's latest book on marriage

    Stages in the Menstrual Cycle

    It is clear that Jewish law provides solutions to a number of difficult medical and family-relationship problems confronted by many…

    Two Halves of a Whole

    In the spiritual world, our souls may come from the same origin, but here on earth we must deal with…
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