Do You Want Proof That G-d Watches Over us?

    Why is it impossible for G-d to forsake His world?

    See Funniest Wildlife Photos Of 2018

    It's all about timing. See a selection of the funniest wildlife photos of 2018

    People With ADHD Are Particularly Suited for Business Entrepreneurship

    A new British study found that the challenging symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are beneficial in the business…

    Is It Possible to Change a Child’s Character?

    Can you change your child's personality? Rabbi Zamir Cohen explains a fundamental educational concept based on the teachings of the…

    “I Won’t Disturb My Wife Come What May”

    “Working on my anger brought salvation to our lives”

    The Illusion of Control

    While Hashem holds the ultimate “keys,” he gives us a set of our own

    Ramchal — Rabbi Moshe Chayim Luzzatto

    The Ramchal’s unique talents, along with the divine revelations he was privy to, aroused suspicion. The damage caused to the…

    More Helpful Tips for Married Women – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Essential advice for maintaining marital harmony from Rabbi Zamir Cohen's latest book on marriage

    Staying On Track

    What do I do to stay on track in this world? Which track do I take?

    Returning to Judaism in the Galilee: Sparks of Jewish Life in the Ben Ami Village

    You are invited to an unusual journey: A Shabbat in the Ben Ami village in the Galilee. A talk with…
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