Watch Spinner Dolphins Leap Acrobatically Into the Air

    Spinner dolphins are usually found in off-shore tropical waters around the world. They are famous for their acrobatic displays in…

    How Can I Know For Sure that G-d is Here?

    Is there proof that G-d is All-inclusive, All-powerful, and has full control over everything in our lives?

    Are you a slave?

    The path to freedom starts inside each of us

    Don’t Covet Your Friend’s What?

    A man asked a rabbi, “my heart is bursting from jealousy, how can I stop being jealous of my neighbor?”

    Shmueli Ungar: ‘Mach A Bracha’ – Music Video

    Every day, from when we wake up, till we go to bed, we have the opportunity to make blessings. In…

    Watch: Looks Like this Truck is Pushing it a Little Too Far

    Know your limitations; make sure to draw the line before it’s too late! Gone viral

    Hidabroot Announces its Tisha B’Av Marathon

    Make the most of your Tisha B'Av, fill it with inspiration and yearning

    Stunning Footage of the Great Barrier Reef – Must See

    The Great Barrier Reef is a system of about 3,000 reefs and 900 coral islands, located just beneath the surface…

    100 Year Old Holocaust Survivor Presents: Megillat Esther Written by Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli

    Moshe Schleifstein, a 100-year-old Holocaust survivor, displays an ancient Scroll of Esther, written by Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli. Moshe received…
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