“When I Got Cancer I Learned to See Each Day of My Life As a Gift”

    Libi Goldstein in her second pregnancy discovered she had cancer. In a moving account she explains the growth process her…

    Intermarriage is Statistically Destined to Fail

    Rabbi Zamir Cohen’s answer to young Jewish men or ladies considering intermarriage

    Daily Halacha: Naming After One Who Died Young

    Naming for one who died in tragic circumstances may not be a good omen for the child.

    Answering Scientific Questions

    There are answers to many questions in science and they are not out of your reach

    Fight Your Doubts With Happiness

    Noa Yaron Dayan wrote an interesting post on Purim that has a lot of good questions for the little Amalek…

    10 Facts About the Ramchal

    When the Ramchal was only fourteen, he already knew all of Kabbalah by heart…

    Just Be Yourself: Avraham Fried & Zemiros Choir – Acapella

    The Holy Kotzker Rebbe's tongue twister. “Just Be Yourself”. During the 3 weeks it is more important than ever to…

    Yitzchak Avinu – The Middle Stage

    Why does the Torah record so few events in Yitzchak’s life?

    Gad Elbaz New Release – “I Know”

    "And I know, Why this is home, You’re my heart, you’re a part, Of my soul". Another masterpiece by Gad…

    Thinking outside the box – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    Looking for creative solutions to problems and not giving up easily can spell the difference between success and failure.
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