Tehillim – Psalms for Sunday

    Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Sunday, divided into daily portions. Sunday Psalms: Chapters 1 – 29

    Watch: Do it Yourself – A Fun Sukkah Decoration

    Using pieces of paper and sticky tape, you can create a unique sukkah decoration. Gone viral

    Shabat Hagadol

    "Por que vocês estão pegando o cordeiro?" O povo de Israel respondia: " para sacrificá-lo no sacrifício de Pessach conforme…

    How Far Does the Reward for a Life-Saver Go?

    G-d pays not only for saving the person but all future generations of his descendants.

    Abortion – Unnecessary!

    You ask yourself: What's going on here? On the one hand people make a huge effort to bring another child…

    A Heart of Spinach?

    Researchers succeeded in growing heart muscle tissue with spinach leaves!

    7 Marriage Secrets Every Woman Must Know

    Leah Richeimer, author of Artscroll’s ‘Marriage Secrets’, provides seven essential secrets for a successful and happy marriage, from sources in…

    The Joy of Pain

    If G-d loves us, why does he inflict suffering upon us? In this short video clip, Rabbi Meyer Yedid discusses…

    Who Am I?

    "A name captures the essence of a person and in a sense becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy". Rebbetzin FeigeTwerski
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