What was the Next Chapter in Shira’s Book?

    How did a life changing book end up on her dresser?

    Why Doesn’t the Torah Command Me to be a Vegetarian?

    Isn’t it cruel to eat animals? Or is it? Can kindness to animals make me cruel to people?

    Watch: 3 Months of Work & 500 Failures – The Results Speak for Themselves

    After intensive work and hundreds of failures along the way, the mission was completed. What do you think of this…

    Helpful Tips for Married Women – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Some time has elapsed since you got married. By now you have a good idea of what is most important…

    A Musician that Invests in Torah Study Can Do Great Things!

    Amir Benayon counters the claim that a musician must use all his time for music and not learn Torah.

    Why Should I Wear a Kippa?

    It’s a mirror of who you are that amplifies your deeds

    A Fad or a Daf?

    Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin instituted what is perhaps one of the most significant structural changes in Jewish history that…

    Speaking Negatively for a Benefit

    May one speak gossip in order to end a dispute? Is it permissible to speak negatively in order to save…

    Passover Recipes: 3 Delicious Passover Cake Recipes

    So you think you can’t make cakes on Passover? Think again. We have 3 tasty Passover cake recipes especially for…
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