Mendy J & Simi Jacobson: Mashiach Yavo – Acapella Style

    This new music video from Mendy J shows some of the fascinating miracles that have occurred in the last century.…

    Watch: Painting Beach-Art in Fast Motion

    Is there such a thing called 'beach painting art'? Some people do it not only as a hobby, but also…

    Watch: carnivorous plant does not give up any meal

    Watch the carnivorous plant during operation. The wonders of creation

    Watch: The Machine that Braids Thousands of Challah Breads an Hour

    Amazing footage from a bakery in northern Switzerland. Thousands of challot braided in under an hour, to cope with the…

    Skin Cancer is on the rise

    Why do we keep getting sunburned despite all the sunscreen we are applying?

    Proof of Prophecy: The Second Exile

    In the previous section of "proof of prophecy" we set out the prophecy regarding the First Temple. In this section…

    Rejecting $3 Billion From Facebook

    What One 23-Year-Old Can Teach Us About Vision & Passion

    Single and Suffering? Holiday Advice

    When a woman is waiting, her mind understands many things that her heart can’t accept. The heart seeks a home,…

    When family ties can’t bind

    My nephew conned my son out of money, then he ruined a promising shidduch prospect, should i speak up?
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