Shidduch saga

    Right time, right place

    Gallery: Macro Photography that will Amaze You

    Indonesian nature photographer Tri Setyo Widodo specializes in macro photography. See his extremely impressive gallery and enjoy more wonders of…

    10 Facts About the Tablets

    Our sages have revealed to us that the tablets were made of Sapphire and would have weighed a half a…

    Leaving A Sefer Open

    An overview of the laws of leaving a sefer open.

    Watch Official Music Video – ‘Father Don’t Cry’ by Avraham Fried

    This tremendously emotional song based on a statement of our Sages: "When G-d remembers His children who suffer in exile,…

    Infographic – Facts About Animals

    A taste of the world of animals from a scientific angle

    Helping Others Overcome Challenges

    You can make a difference in someone else's life when he's faced with a challenge

    The Secret of the Dreidel

    The dreidel. The top our children play with on Hanukkah. So seemingly insignificant - and yet this little dreidel contains…

    Watch: Sirens Imitation – You’ve Never Heard Anything Like it

    Must See: This kid is super-talented when it comes to imitating sirens. Gone viral

    Judah Maccabee

    Mattisyahu the Hasmonean decides to raise the banner of revolt. A year later, before his death, he passes the leadership…
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