Amazing Health Benefits of Green Tea

    Green Tea can improve brain function, burn fat, lower risks of cancer, improve dental health and more. Learn how to…

    Watch: carnivorous plant does not give up any meal

    Watch the carnivorous plant during operation. The wonders of creation

    Watch: Netanel Menat & Malchus Choir – Naase Venishma

    Performed at huge kumzitz in Elad, Israel

    Do You Believe in G-d?

    Faith is based on knowledge

    Do You Get Anxiety Attacks? You Can Overcome Them with Calmness

    What are anxiety attacks? What causes them? How do you overcome them?

    What is the Biggest Mitzvah, What is the Biggest Sin?

    10 quotes to remember from the letter Rabbi Elijah of Vilna, the ‘Vilna Gaon’ sent his wife

    The Chef Who Closed Her Restaurant on Shabbat; “G-d Will Provide for Me”

    What brought a chef who owned a successful restaurant in Tel Aviv that was open for over a decade to…

    The Hedge of Roses

    Marriage requires periods of separation in order to give vitality and renewal to the marital bond

    A Woman is a Hanukkiah of Light that Adds More Light Each Day

    If you’re radiant the whole house lights up, but if you’re feeling low you lower the house with you
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