Can We Produce Artificial Blood? Boston Researchers Say We Can

    Scientists at the University of Bristol in Boston say they will soon be able to produce artificial blood that can…

    Why Is G-d Invisible? Rabbi Manis Friedman

    Throughout history, the question of why G-d is not visible has perplexed the human race. Philosophers and laymen have addressed…

    Why is the Bermuda Triangle Special?

    Hagit asks: "No one knows why everyone who has gone through Bermuda Triangle has disappeared without a trace. What does…

    How do Giraffes find a Comfortable Sleeping Position?

    In this unique gallery you’ll see how giraffes manage to relax their long necks and find a satisfying sleeping position

    Do You Believe in G-d?

    Faith is based on knowledge

    Bible Codes: The Twin Towers

    A Bible code discovered the evening after the disaster, which stunned the whole world occurred in New York City

    Teachings of Rav Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz of Nikolsberg

    Also known as “the Rebbe Reb Shmelke,” a main disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid and the author of “Divrei Shmuel.”

    Noach, Shem, and Ever – Masters of Insulation

    Noach’s great strength was his ability to protect himself and his family from external influences, Shem and Ever passed on…

    A Healing Message for Sukkot – Rivka Malka Perlman

    Forse è lora di range rover e virgole, valide occasioni. Visita i piazza, passeggiava in autoapprendimento, con le alterazioni del.…

    The Blessing of Living in Israel

    In Israel you feel closer to G-d
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