Mika and Ali: From Poverty to Romance to Nightmare Part 2

    Getting married the romance ends and the nightmare begins

    10 Proofs That G-d Loves You Despite Giving You Tribulations

    "If there is a good and loving G-d, then why is there suffering in the world?" Some have used this…

    Keeping the Light of Hanukkah Going After Hanukkah

    Something small we do anyways that works

    Conflicting Forces vs. Harmonious Duality Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Some people are confounded by the Torah’s prohibitions involving the combination of two entities. Examples of this include cooking and…

    Fly Geyser – Incredible Spectacle in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert

    The Fly Geyser is the result of man-made drilling in 1916, when water well drilling accidentally penetrated a geothermal source.…

    What is a Jew? – Historian Ken Spiro Explains

    Are the Jews a nation, a religion, a race, a family, a culture or a People? Ken Spiro elaborates

    Passing on the Torch: A Special Film for The Holocaust Remembrance Day

    Horrors, fears, historical memories, observance of the commandments and more. A special film brought to you by Rabbi Berl Wein…

    Taking In Shabbat Early

    Why take in Shabbat early?

    Pourquoi Baba Salé a ordonné d'enterrer les légumes qu'on lui avait donné en cadeau ?

    Une question halakhique intéressante, tirée de la série "Vaarev Na" du Rav Its'hak Zilberstein

    Avraham – Reacting to Success and Failure

    Avraham reacted to success without letting it affect his humility or hinder his service of HaShem, yet how did Avraham…
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