The Avot – Hashem’s Chariot

    All Jews inherit a deep spiritual connection from the forefathers

    Rogers Park’s New Release – Blessings

    "Give blessings to one another... Give strength to one another". Official Music Video by Rogers Park Band

    The Strength of a Jewish Child

    The heights a Jewish child can climb!

    Achieving Unity When it Seems Impossible

    Ahavat Israel Love for our fellow Jew is the key

    What’s So Special About the Holy Tongue (Biblical Hebrew)

    In ancient times before the Tower of Babel everyone spoke one language, Ancient Hebrew. This is also the Language with…

    Looking Forward to a Dreamy Seder Night?

    Are you dreaming of a pleasant, fascinating and enjoyable night for the whole family? Don’t just dream! Plan it now…

    Vayechi All Wrapped Up: Blessing our Children

    Why bless our children to be like Ephraim and Menashe more than any of the other tribes?

    Do You Want to be Healthy and Wealthy? Go Volunteer!

    Volunteers are healthier and wealthier than those who don't

    The Rashbam I Learned Saved my Life

    Holocaust survivor relates how the Rahsbam’s explanation saved his life during “Kristallnacht”.
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