8 Facts about Cohanim (Priests)

    Why did Rav Preida merit longevity? Which families are considered families of Cohanim? What does the word "Cohen" mean in…

    Did You Know: Shabbat Nachamu

    Did you know why the Shabbat after Tisha B'av has a special name?

    Why Doesn’t Judaism Want Man to Live Alone?

    Why are we responsible for one another? Why can’t we just live alone?

    Music Video: We Are A Miracle by Yaakov Shwekey

    The Jewish People continue to be a miracle. Watch Yaakov Shwekey’s emotional music video. What an inspiration

    What Can I Do About a Teen Ager that Leaves the Family and Judaism?

    How can I get them to come home at an age they want to run away?

    Kayin and Hevel – Balancing Humility and Confidence

    Striving for acquisitions is positive when directed toward spirituality. Only a person who is motivated to acquire spiritual greatness can…

    Where is Miriam’s Well Today? Archaeology Discovers the Hebrew Bible

    Rabbinic writings make it clear that Miriam’s Well accompanied the Israelites when they entered their land and was hidden away…

    A Gift for Tair Rada’s Memory

    A beautiful curtain for a Torah ark made in her memory.

    How to Break the Habit of Backseat Driving – Watch

    How do you get out of the ‘Me tell you what to do’ mode in marriage? Host of ‘The Ladies…
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