Bridging the gap

    It's sometimes hard to remember that stories about our luminaries really are relevant to us

    Why Can’t I Ever Get Anything Done?

    I always push things off... Why? Do you really want to know? I'll tell you tomorrow!

    Israel’s Youth Are More Religious in This Generation

    They’re more religious and have less belief in the country’s central institutions

    Opening Tin Cans and Packages on Shabbat

    Is it Permissible to open tin cans, boxes and packages on Shabbos, in order to get the food inside them?

    I’m Not an Internet Addict… Am I?

    How do I know if I'm addicted?

    Have We Been Set Up For Failure?

    How can we stand before G-d and apologize if we're going to do it again?

    5 Ways Righteous Gentiles Saved Jews in Europe During the Holocaust

    Righteous Gentiles hid Jews in their homes, provided Jews with forged documents, assisted their escape, saved children and provided encouragement…

    Should You Exercise when Full or Hungry?

    Do you take your morning run before or after breakfast?

    Watch: Turtle’s Stunning Glow, Discovered in the Depths of the Pacific

    A delegation of two investigators sent to the Pacific in order to trace the phenomenon of bio-fluorescence (biological glow) in…

    The Infinite Creator Concealed in the Composition of the Universe and Man

    Lofty Kabbalistic concepts are hidden in nature and in the unified field theory
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