Abba: Avraham Fried & Ari Hill – New Release

    "Father, Father, Father, to You we sing and pray, You never turn away"

    Watch: The Life and Times of Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef OBM

    This movie describes in detail the extraordinary accomplishments of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the foremost Sephardic Rabbi of his time. Rabbi…

    If You Know This: You Won’t Give Up – Rabbi Gavriel Friedman

    Why do we give up so quickly? What is the secret to success? Rabbi Friedman explains in a short 90…

    Failure to act

    Healing emotional neglect

    How to Actually Enjoy Shabbat – Watch

    Have you ever felt bored or lonely on Shabbat? Learn how to connect and feel the beauty of the gift…

    Rare Footage of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Waving the Four Species – Watch

    How did the Lubavitcher Rebbe wave the Four Species? Watch and find out

    I Have a Soul: What does That Mean?

    What is my mission here? Where do I have to get?

    The Secret of the Dreidel

    The dreidel. The top our children play with on Hanukkah. So seemingly insignificant - and yet this little dreidel contains…

    Taking Precautions

    Should one take precautions when hearing gossip, in case the information is true? Is it permissible to accept gossip if…

    Does the Torah Endorse the Accuracy of Human Logic?

    The Torah s logical and needs human logic to live it
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