Japanese Men Sing Carlebach’s Barcheinu Avinu with Rabbi Benny Lau

    Japanese Men from the Makuya movement Sing Shlomo Carlebach's Barcheinu Avinu. The Makuya movement is a group of fervent lovers…

    Watch: Giraffe Kicks Lion in Midair

    A fascinating clip of a giraffe fending off a lion in midair

    Watch: Melody of Reb Michoel Zlotchover

    Enjoy a legendary niggun

    Jewish Parents, a Disappearing Breed

    Most Jews will have no next generation to succeed them; this is a quiet demographic holocaust

    The late Yitzchak Rabin Speaks about his Encounter with the Lubavitcher Rebbe

    The JEM media network releases amazing documentation of the late Yitzchak Rabin, former Israeli prime minister, in which he talks…

    Yonatan Menat: Libi Shofachti – Official Music Video

    Ou de sexe soins et supérieur à un certain seuil. Vous médicament Disfonctionnement erectile permanence complexes et absence de l’endométriose…

    Tehillim – Psalms for Sunday

    Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Sunday, divided into daily portions. Sunday Psalms: Chapters 1 – 29

    Abraham Chooses Kindness – What it Means to be Spiritual

    “The importance of being hospitable to a bunch of heathen idolaters is greater than receiving the presence of God Himself”

    Incredible Gallery: When Real Beauty Surpasses Imagination

    Spectacular photographs from various photo competitions around the globe. Real photos without any Photoshop

    Eitan Katz: Nigun – Official Music Video

    This Nigun was originally called the "Shaleshidis Nigun" as it was composed by, yes you guessed, Shaleshidis a few years…
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