Emotional Clip: Tefillin for the Last Time in Life

    The young man in the video is not observant in his daily life. But one day he heard that an…

    We Didn’t Laugh Enough

    Who is 'Somebody, and 'Nobody', and why should a boss hire me to work? Funny and Encouraging Quotes

    Resurrection and The Messiah – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Will Jews from previous generations take part in the era of The Final Redemption? Is the Revival of the Dead…

    The Power of a Tzaddik’s Prayer

    An orphan is influenced by Rav Ahrele of Karlin's heartfelt prayer

    Rescued from Abusive Relationships with Arabs

    Learn and Return says, “We can save these girls. Everyone has an obligation to try and do something to save…

    Miracle on the Highway: Car Burns Down While Holy Books Remain Intact

    Incredible miracle happened to Nissim Ben Gigi from Petach Tikva . Two Holy Books miraculously remained intact after a fire…

    Just Be Yourself: Avraham Fried & Zemiros Choir – Acapella

    The Holy Kotzker Rebbe's tongue twister. “Just Be Yourself”. During the 3 weeks it is more important than ever to…

    ‘My Brothers and Sisters, the People of Israel Gave Me a Great Big Hug’

    Racheli Frankel says “our nation must keep its ability to unite and be there for each other”

    Six Tips for Finding Your Match from Rabbanit Yamima Mizrachi

    Rabbanit Yamima Mizrachi’s advice on finding your match is refreshing. See for yourself!
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