Watch Spinner Dolphins Leap Acrobatically Into the Air

    Spinner dolphins are usually found in off-shore tropical waters around the world. They are famous for their acrobatic displays in…

    Solar Panels and Spiritual Light

    Moses nullified himself before the Creator of the Universe – clearing away any “color or shade” of his own –…

    If Men Have a Problem Why Must I be Limited?

    Why can’t I wear what I want?

    Stress after Rest: Healthy or Unhealthy?

    With having neither the data of the Emergency Medical Service nor the latest statistics from the United States, our Sages…

    Watch: A Species of Transparent Fish you’ve Never Seen Before

    Wonders of Creation: This species of fish are transparent, they have been discovered in the depths of the ocean. The…

    The Student Appeared To His Rabbi In a Dream

    Rav Nissim Yagen O.B.M. told an amazing story about a student who appeared to his Rabbi in a dream after…

    Watch How this Farmer Controls his Ducks

    Dogs are not the only animals that can be trained. See how this farmer has trained his ducks. Very impressive

    “Bad news: There’s No Heartbeat”

    Einat was sad to find out she had just lost her baby. Or did she?

    Watch: Israeli Professor Reveals a Breakthrough Discovery

    Together with his team of colleagues, an Israeli professor of natural sciences, Chaim Rabinovich, managed to light a small bulb…

    Watch: When the Underdog Wins

    A tiger climbs casually on the branches of a tree, waiting for the perfect moment to snatch an innocent monkey…
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