My Grandson’s Name is Mohammed

    A father vows to never give up on his daughter

    A Million Reasons to Join the Shabbos Project

    Looking for a reason to join the Shabbos Project? How about a million!

    What is Hidabroot? What do we do?

    What's in it for You?

    Meilech Kohn: ‘Yoimum’ Shuk Machne Yehuda – Official Music Video

    Yoimum by Meilech Kohn. The official music video, filmed in the Machne Yehuda shuk in Jerusalem

    Applying Make-Up on Shabbat

    Regarding the application of facial powder, there’s a difference of opinion among adjudicators.

    Identify and Treat Post-Partum Depression

    How do you know what to look for? What treatments are available? 

    A Tainted Donation

    Why did Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov Kanievsky refuse to receive $20,000 to distribute to the poor and then, minutes later, change…

    Learn to Love Yourself

    The words of a young woman who almost died of anorexia

    Must See – The Future of The Jewish Family – Panel with Rabbi Menachem Levine

    Why is intermarriage forbidden? What is the Torah approach to intermarriage? “People who are products of intermarriage, have less connection…

    Daily Halacha: Naming After One Who Died Young

    Naming for one who died in tragic circumstances may not be a good omen for the child.
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