Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 1)

    What is myth and what is true about him?

    Vayeishev: Living With Peace of Mind

    What is it like to have the peace of mind that Yosef Hatzaddik had, the peace of mind that Tamar…

    Watch: Biggest Great White Shark Ever Seen

    Most amazing footage caught on camera: Experts believe this is the biggest great white shark ever observed. See more Wonders…

    Watch: Breathtaking Footage of Wildlife

    Wonders of Creation: G-d created a world full of amazing creatures. Here's a glimpse of some of the incredible wildlife…

    Rachem – Motty Steinmetz, Ruvi Banet & The Zimrah Choir

    Enjoy this unique blend of talent as they sing the heartfelt “Rachem.”

    The Chafetz Chaim’s 3 Minute Speech

    He helped get everyone's priorities straight

    Como deve ser minha mesa de Shabat?

    Você realmente deve desfrutar de iguarias no Shabat e isso é sagrado!

    Watch: A Breathtaking Bird’s Eye View of Antarctica

    The beauty of creation is fully exposed in this amazing video footage of frozen Antarctica. Be inspired by more wonders…

    Purim: New York Boys Choir – Hipil Pur

    Choir Produced & Directed by Yitzy Bald

    Australian Diver Befriends Shark

    This shark like hugs just like we do!
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