“Hey Soldier! Why the Uniform? Couldn’t You Wear Shabbat Clothing?”

    “Not if my mom will wash my uniform on Shabbat!”

    Rejecting $3 Billion From Facebook

    What One 23-Year-Old Can Teach Us About Vision & Passion

    12 Facts about Joseph in Honor of His Yohrzeit

    The 1st of Tammuz is the day Joseph died over 3400 years ago in the year 2309

    Watch: The Moment a Butterfly Comes to Life

    Magical Moment: Although the documentation is very short, it's still fascinating – Gone Viral

    Designer Ralph Lauren at Western Wall Wearing Tefillin?

    Was it really him or his brother Lenny?

    Passing on the Torch: A Special Film for The Holocaust Remembrance Day

    Horrors, fears, historical memories, observance of the commandments and more. A special film brought to you by Rabbi Berl Wein…

    Beri Weber’s New Release: Gesher Tzar – Music Video

    Don’t forget, always remember, this world is like a narrow bridge, over a stormy sea that never ends. The main…

    Vegetarianism and the Consumption of Meat – in Judaism

    Many people wonder how the Torah allows the consumption of animal meat. Although it’s been proven that Jewish slaughtering is…

    I Have a Soul: What does That Mean?

    What is my mission here? Where do I have to get?

    The 9th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    The Torah commands Jews to listen to our sages and our sages rejected Jesus
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