Past-life Regression – Return to the past by means of hypnosis

    Another scientific research on life after death that proves clearly that the true “I” of every person is a spiritual,…

    “G-d Saved me From Death so Why Did He Throw Me in Jail?”

    Police Investigators found evidence that four innocent men were killed and they caught the perpetrator… or so they thought

    A Gift Instead of Abortion, Happy Birthday to Mika

    Tehilla was only 22, and was very worried about continuing her pregnancy, but with the help of her supportive family,…

    The Man Behind ArtScroll – Architect Of A Revolution – Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz

    What was the secret of Rabbi Zlotowitz's phenomenal success? How did he attract supporters from the entire spectrum of Jewish…

    Fascinating – Watch Wildebeest Crossing the Mara River in Kenya

    Thousands of wildebeest stampede through the raging river infested with hungry crocodiles. Many wildebeest fail the crossing due to injury,…

    Watch: Perfect Hunter – Bears Hunt with Minimal Effort

    The Creator of the Universe sustains and supports all living creatures. Watch how bears receive their share straight into their…

    Watch: An Eagle Captures its Prey from a High Cliff

    After watching this clip you will appreciate the saying of our Sages – "G-d nourishes and sustains all, from the…

    Watch: Selichot Concert 2018 – Inspiring Musical Elul Program

    Join Hidabroot during the month of ‘mercy and forgiveness’ in a unique Elul Program accompanied by musical inspiration with Singer…

    Tzaddik Pays Electric Bill For Soldier In Need

    Some people will not stand by when they see a person in need, but what occurred on a train this…

    Watch: Stormy Skies in North Dakota

    See rare footage of huge storm clouds in North Dakota. Wonders of Creation
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