New Study Confirms: Other Senses of People Born Blind Are More Developed

    The brain compensates for loss of vision and develops these alternate tracks for more effective living

    Opening Containers and Bottles on Shabbat

    Opening metal bottle caps, plastic bottle caps and beer bottles on Shabbat

    The Way to Perfection

    Man extols and dreams of perfection. Yet man must also know his limits ; while striving for perfection, he must…

    Israel: There’s No Place Like Home

    Michael Dickson explains why Jews feel such a deep connection to the Land of Israel. Brought to you by J-TV

    If Men Have a Problem Why Must I be Limited?

    Why can’t I wear what I want?

    Life After Death – Way Beyond Science

    The facts discovered by science regarding 'life after death' appear in numerous places throughout the Torah, which offers additional details…

    To Give In, Give In and Give In

    Those are the 3 things that a happy marriage depends on

    Pilot from Ecuador Captures Images of Incredible Thunderstorms

    A pilot named Santiago Borja, from Ecuador, displays a breath-taking gallery of thunderstorms from a pilot's view. Images from around…

    Messianic Times – What’s Trump’s Mission at the End of Days?

    Why is Trump making peace with North Korea? Who are the four Messiah’s at the End of Days? Rabbi Mendel…

    Noach vs Avraham – Passive vs Active

    Avraham was proactive and self-motivated. He did not need external events to stimulate him to serve HaShem and perform acts…
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