Does Our Water Come From Another Planet?

    Pirkei d’Rabbi Eliezer was composed over 2,000 years ago, yet it comments on phenomena still indiscernible to modern scientists, but…

    Neshome’le – Shimmy Levy, Levy Falkowitz & Yedidim

    A heartfelt rendition of the song “Neshome’le” composed by Abie Rottenberg

    Your Son’s Friends are His Best Teachers!

    Well not exactly but they are far better motivators according to this new study

    Unbelievable Footage: Frog Swallows a Firefly

    Have you ever seen a frog swallow a firefly? This is how it looks

    Watch: Tiger and Goat Form Unique Bond

    This goat was given to the tiger as live food, though they ended up being best friends. Could this be…

    Watch: Man Plays with 1500 Pound Bear

    The director of the Orphaned Wildlife Center bonds with Jimbo the bear. Frightening

    The Day from Which the Fetus is considered a Person

    Scientists Discover: “We do not know much about the development of the brain of the fetus… until about the fortieth…

    The Key to a Successful Confession

    Get the steps you need to know to confess effectively and honestly

    World War III, Redemption, The Messiah and Prayer

    Is a third world war inevitable? It depends on us

    Terach – Why Don’t We Call Him ’Father’?

    We do not relate to Terach as Avinu (our father), even though genetically he clearly is our ancestor, why do…
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