Uncovering the Hidden Reality

    What is really going on in my world? How can I find out what's behind the scenes?

    Be Nice to Your Plants; They Have Feelings Too

    There is a phenomenon well known to horticulturists: A climbing vine that is working its way towards the closest post…

    The New York Times Profiles a Nice Normal Neo-Nazi 

    Sometimes they really outdo themselves…

    Elvis 40 Years Later: “I Too Want to be Part of the Chosen Nation”

    “He was always looking for a life of meaning”

    O SHABAT – Visitando o “Palácio do Rei” – 1

    Shabat Kodesh - Parte 1: Introdução

    Staying On Track

    What do I do to stay on track in this world? Which track do I take?

    Java and Genetics

    Why is that your coworker can make it through the day with a cup and a half of coffee but…

    How Should My Shabbat Table Look?

    You're actually supposed to enjoy delicacies on Shabbat and that's holy

    Power couches

    You can’t always get what you want or can you?

    A Plea for Jewish Continuity

    An interview with Rabbi Dovid Soloveitchik
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