Gallery: Fascinating Images of Nature in Japan

    A photographer named Kunito Imai presents a unique and mesmerizing gallery of nature in Japan. Wonders of Creation

    Shulem: Piano Man – Must Watch

    Shulem performs a beautiful rendition of Piano Man, live on tour at the Manhattan JCC. Accompanied by leading Broadway musical…

    Watch: Incredible Discovery about Drops of Water

    A fascinating study conducted in Stuttgart Germany, reveals that every drop of water has its own unique 'face'. This study…

    Mayim Bialik Thinks Modesty Protects a Woman

    But some people attacked her for what they perceive as submission and victim blaming

    Thirteen Attributes of Mercy: Dudi Kalish & Friends – Music Video

    “HASHEM HASHEM Kel rachum vechanun erech apayim verav-chesed ve'emet, Notzer chesed la'alafim nose avon vafesha vechata'ah venakeh.” Translation: "HASHEM, HASHEM,…

    “I’m a Jewish Girl and He Was an Arab Boy; What Was I Thinking?”

    It started with looks, continued with conversations and ended with violence and being put to shame

    True Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

    Where can you find true life, liberty and the true pursuit of happiness?

    Life after life – 3: Return of Souls as if they Were Alive

    "They told this account to Rabbi Noach, who then went into the room. When he saw the deceased he said…

    The Place Where They Belong: New Release by Abie Rotenberg & Boruch Levine

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