Women to know : Lakewood’s paragon of chesed, Mrs. Shanik is as busy as any high-powered CEO

    When you want to do something, Hashem just gives you siyata dishmaya

    The Power of Togetherness

    With unity, all things are possible

    Proof of The Oral Tradition

    A Jew who is faithful to the Jewish people, the eternal people, is inevitably connected to the Oral Tradition -…

    7 Tips to Help Your Digestive Tract

    You’ll be healthier all around if you follow these tips

    No Longer Wrapped in Silence: Mom, I Now Can Hear You!

    Sweet Ayalah was a year and her baby brother Benjamin both underwent a cochlear implant to allow them to hear.…

    Efron – Acting on Impulse

    Efron offered Avraham a field as a gift, though suddenly changed his mind. How could Efron change so quickly from…

    Karaites and Samaritans — are Not Part of the Jewish People

    The Karaites and Samaritans have not been part of the Jewish People for generations. Daniel Balas reveals the truth about…

    Watch: King of Morocco Receives Blessings in Local Synagogue

    The Moroccan king himself inaugurated the ancient synagogue which was reopened courtesy of the King. The rare event received live…
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