How Do I get Over the Loss of My Dog (Who was My Best Friend)?

    What is the right attitude toward animals?

    Have You Ever Seen a Flying Peacock? Watch

    Watch stunning peacock flight in slow motion

    Abortion – Unnecessary!

    You ask yourself: What's going on here? On the one hand people make a huge effort to bring another child…

    Teachings of Rav Mordechai of Chernobyl

    Also known as the Chernobler Maggid, the son and successor of Rav Menachem Nachum and the author of “Likutei Torah.”

    Why did Rabbi Kanievsky Shlit’a Urgently call 10 People into His Room?

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Shlit’a, who spends day and night studying Torah, completed a Tractate of Talmud and then asked to…

    All Is According To the Amount Of Action

    Dividing one's goal into small parts can enable a person to achieve much more as each small act towards the…

    Watch: Spectacular Drone Footage of The Dead Sea at Sunrise

    One of the most beautiful natural places in the world, just an hour from Jerusalem and two hours from Tel…

    Wonders of Creation: Lake Baikal Totally Frozen

    Awesome Gallery: A resident of Russia named Christina uploaded breath-taking images of Lake Baikal - a freshwater lake in Siberia,…

    In Honor of His Yohrtzeit: Ten Facts About Rabbi Elimelech of Lyzhensk

    Today the 21st of Adar is his Yohrtzeit. What can we learn from Rabbi Elimelech’s ways?

    Abortion is an Empowering Experience? Just the Opposite

    Abortion is an experience of loss and emptiness, a form of death that occurs in the body of the woman.…
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