Morning Prayers: Until When?

    Until what time may one recite the Shacharit prayer?

    Watch: A Rare Discovery of a Shark that Lives Beneath an Active Volcano

    A shark that lives under an active volcano, was found near the volcano Kauaʻi. A delegation that was sent to…

    Extending the Influence of Shabbat

    It is so important that we all attempt to make the Shabbat influence stretch over as much of the work-week…

    Terach – Why Don’t We Call Him ’Father’?

    We do not relate to Terach as Avinu (our father), even though genetically he clearly is our ancestor, why do…

    The Daughter of a King

    A Jewish woman must always remember that since she has always been a highly esteemed princess, she cannot allow herself…

    Le non-juif a appuyé sur le bouton et le feu est passé au vert

    Un passant qui a remarqué ma détresse, est venu appuyer sur le bouton,            « Allez-y,…

    Mengele, I defeated you

    Chaya Wach managed to survive Auschwitz and the loss of her husband and build a new family. Her grandchildren are…

    One letter off

    He showed his fellow congregants the Torah and told them to look under the bimah

    Can We Produce Artificial Blood? Boston Researchers Say We Can

    Scientists at the University of Bristol in Boston say they will soon be able to produce artificial blood that can…

    A Group of 15 Year Old Girls Sew Blankets for Preemies in Neo-Natal Ward

    They lovingly thought of others battling for their babies’ lives instead of shooting ‘selfies’ all day
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