Rabbi Yosef Chaim (ben Elijah) – the Ben Ish Chai

    He was a leading disciple of Rabbi Abdallah Somech, the greatest scholar in Baghdad in the mid-nineteenth century

    Something Fishy Going On

    Eating oily fish can improve reading skills in children.

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant, They Both Go through the Same Things (Part One)

    If you understand what an immigrant goes through you’ll understand what a Baal Teshuva goes through

    More Than Skin-Deep

    Covering your body is the most fundamental way of using your outside to tell others who you are on the…

    Parenting: The Case for Children

    Why should I have children

    Tefillin – Supreme Bindings

    Just like an audiovisual device can work through a single antenna that receives waves from the atmosphere transmitting its content…

    Women to know : The spirituality she’d sought in the ashram she found in Judaism

    Husband first, kids second, seminary third... It has to be that way

    Vowing to give Charity

    Is it permissible to vow to give a donation to a charitable cause?

    The Very Strong Silver Lining of COVID-19

    Coronavirus has shaken up the world to an extent not experienced since World War II. In an era when the…

    Jews are Ambassadors to the World

    As individuals, and as a community, we can and must take action to increase the sanctification of G-d's Name and…
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