World Renowned Chef Meir Adoni Goes Kosher

    "Shabbat and Kashrut brought me great blessings"

    No Questions Asked

    A story from one of the darkest periods in Jewish history

    Drugs and Other Quick Fixes

    Drugs can provide instant pleasure. And drugs will dissolve your sense of self until you have no personality left. The…

    Watch: Extreme Natural Phenomena from Around the Globe in 2017

    A sequence of videos that displays frightening natural phenomena that have taken place around the world this year

    5 Reasons Secular Jews Want Shabbat to Remain a Day of Rest

    Why is there such a big non-religious lobby in Tel Aviv against opening stores on Shabbat?

    10 Facts About Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (Rashi) on The Anniversary of His Passing

    Because of the sacrifice Rashi’s father made, the prophet Elijah appeared to him and promised him offspring that “would illuminate…

    Meilech Kohn: ‘Yoimum’ Shuk Machne Yehuda – Official Music Video

    Yoimum by Meilech Kohn. The official music video, filmed in the Machne Yehuda shuk in Jerusalem

    A glimpse into the plant of soaps

    If you interesting to know how to manufacture soaps, join us and discover the fascinating secrets in this video

    Social Media & The King of Jewish Music

    Meir Kay explains the impact of social media to the King of Jewish Music; MBD - Mordechai Ben David

    Symphony Chuppah: Benny Friedman and The A Team Orchestra

    The A Team presents a Symphony Chuppah featuring Benny Friedman
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