Your Son Has Autism? It Can’t Be!

    Nobody believed me when I said my son had autism. At the health clinic they thought I was an insane…

    Hanukkah – Tap into the Light

    Why did it take the Rabbis a whole year to announce the holiday of Chanukah? In this short video, Rabbi…

    I’ve Gone to Fulfill a Dream

    “I’m taking the day off to fly a kite with my daughter”

    WATCH: ’ON THE TABLE’ with R’ Peretz  B. Eichler

    A winning combination of good food and important issues put on the table and addressed by experts who can help

    Genetics in the Torah? Where?

    The Torah is the blueprint of the universe. Every detail, even the most minute, is contained in it - it's…

    Watch: Jewish American Soldiers in Iraq Celebrate the Shabbat Project

    This is the sixth year that thousands of Jews around the world have joined together to observe the worldwide Shabbat…

    “Always With You” – Official Music Video – Various Artists

    “G-d is Always With You” – You must see this touching song, starring Shmueli Ungar, Eli Marcus, Michoel Pruzansky, Shloime…

    Rebbetzin Jackie Bitton Invites Women to Elul Inspiration

    Come to Rosh Hashana with renewed strength

    Is the World Round or Flat? Depends Who You Ask

    While the rest of the world firmly believed that the world is flat, the Sages of the Torah had the…

    Why the ‘Chosen People’ Concept is not Racism – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Isn’t it racist to claim that the Jews are the Chosen People? Rabbi Akiva Tatz responds. Brought to you by…
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