Respect Your Elders – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Learn about the laws pertaining to the honoring of scholars and the elderly

    Watch: Rare Footage of Glacier Cave Collapse

    Listen to the ice crack before the roof of the cave collapses. Gone viral

    Rabbi Gifter Always Bought His Wife Flowers for her Birthday Even when he was Wheelchair Bound

    Even when it was difficult he made sure he bought her flowers for her birthday before Yom Kippur

    Comunicating with the dead – The truth about séances

    British researcher, Arthur Findlay:"I know that if thirteen years ago I myself had been asked to believe these strange accounts…

    How Did Rabbi Kanievsky Know the Groom’s Tzitzit Were Invalid?

    A groom went in to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky to receive a blessing. To his shock, the rabbi asked him “Why…

    Frightening: Watch Powerful Lightning Strike in Colorado

    Lightning is one of the most beautiful displays of nature. The Sages instituted that we recite a unique blessing upon…

    How to Build Healthy Self-Esteem – Watch

    Low self-esteem is the root of many psychological problems. What is the key to building your self-esteem? Psychotherapist Aryeh Sampson…

    Bacteria and Infections 2000 Years Ago; Common Knowledge

    Rabbi Eliezer the Great, who lived some 2,000 years ago, was well aware of the fact that illness can be…

    Avraham Fried: Abba – Live in Sultan’s Pool 2019

    A perfect song to get you into the spirit, as we prepare to anoint The King of the Universe on…

    Amazing End to Story of Apostate Who Spoke With The Lubavitcher Rebbe

    One of the most famous clips from the dollar distribution of the Lubavitcher Rebbe showed an apostate Jew trying to…
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