Lia’s Miracle She Swallowed 14 Magnets

    swallowing magnets is worse than swallowing other foreign objects

    Women to know: Sudy Rosengarten – writing was something she couldn’t have escaped if she tried

    Look at what seems ordinary, and realize that there’s more than what meets the eye

    Genetics and the Bible – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Is it possible that the two most revolutionary laws in genetics discovered in recent generations – Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance…

    Watch Official Music Video – ‘Father Don’t Cry’ by Avraham Fried

    This tremendously emotional song based on a statement of our Sages: "When G-d remembers His children who suffer in exile,…

    The Deep Significance of the Holy Language

    Because of his genes, man is equipped with the special ability to learn a language

    The Power of a Mother’s Love

    There’s No Stopping You When Your Mother Believes in You

    Watch: The Machine that Braids Thousands of Challah Breads an Hour

    Amazing footage from a bakery in northern Switzerland. Thousands of challot braided in under an hour, to cope with the…

    Rethreading the loom

    While most of her family let go of the threads, my mother held on with a vengeance

    Anti-Semitism: German Streets are Dangerous for Jews

    Anti-Semitism is on the rise in Germany

    Six Facts You didn’t Know about Repentance

    Mordechai Lewis gives us a hands on step by step plan to repent
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