In Order to Achieve Perfection One Must “Recharge”

    If one wishes to achieve perfection he has to be ready for a long, difficult path. He cannot delude himself…

    The Rabbi From Caracas

    The Adventures of the Rabbi from Caracas, Venezuela who dedicated himself to bring all those Jews back to where they…

    How to Get Rid of Flies Quickly & Easily

    If you want a quick and easy natural way to get rid of flies in your house this summer then…

    10 Facts About Gaon of Vilna

    According to his son’s testimony, the Gra intended to create a new Code of Jewish Law that would decide all…

    Pourquoi Baba Salé a ordonné d'enterrer les légumes qu'on lui avait donné en cadeau ?

    Une question halakhique intéressante, tirée de la série "Vaarev Na" du Rav Its'hak Zilberstein

    Buying Eternity with Used Up Bottles

    Conservation and supporting Torah in one shot a former clerk and soccer player warms up to Torah

    Who is that Boy in the Famous Warsaw Ghetto Picture?

    Everyone in the picture has been identified – but who is that child in the middle?

    Watch a Simulation of Healthy Lungs Functioning as Opposed to Lungs of Smokers

    If the price of cigarettes haven't persuaded you to stop smoking, maybe this clip will succeed

    Avichay Shanti: “I Want to Raise My Children as Jews”

    In a open-hearted confession on his Facebook page, Avichay Shanti — an Arab in the process of conversion — expresses…

    Watch: Stormy Skies in North Dakota

    See rare footage of huge storm clouds in North Dakota. Wonders of Creation
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