Your Fruit and Vegetables May Be Carcinogenic

    Chances are at least some of them have higher levels of dangerous substances than permitted by law

    Gallery: Heart-Warming Pictures of Animals in the Snow

    Magical photos that will make you smile

    Capitalizing on Loss

    The truth will eventually come out.

    Gallery: When Nature meets Photography

    Look through a gorgeous collection of nature images from 2017. Wonders of Creation

    How to Choose a Personal Rabbi

    What are the criteria for choosing a suitable Rabbi? How can you determine who is fit to be your personal…

    Intermarriage and Judaism – Points to Ponder

    Food for thought on Marrying Jewish by Ollie Anisfeld & J-TV

    Where is Miriam’s Well Today? Archaeology Discovers the Hebrew Bible

    Rabbinic writings make it clear that Miriam’s Well accompanied the Israelites when they entered their land and was hidden away…

    An Uplifting Story in Preparation for Yom Kippur – The Side Door

    This story will surely touch your soul. Another masterpiece presented by Rabbi Yoel Gold

    Did You Know What is the Most Crowded Island on Earth?

    How many earthquakes occur every year? Why do old books have such a distinct smell? Which fruit can change your mood?

    Os dois níveis da observação do Shabat

    Existem dois aspectos para observar o Shabat - um é abster-se da atividade da vida agitada proibida, e o outro…
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