Join Rabbi Shafier for a Live Pre Yom Kippur Webinar – Monday, Oct. 10th 8:00pm Est

    Are you tired of coming into Yom Kippur feeling like you are playing "catch up"? By the time you get…

    Taking Precautions

    Should one take precautions when hearing gossip, in case the information is true? Is it permissible to accept gossip if…

    “When I Got Cancer I Learned to See Each Day of My Life As a Gift”

    Libi Goldstein in her second pregnancy discovered she had cancer. In a moving account she explains the growth process her…

    What is Judaism?

    How do you define it?

    Gallery: Creative Ideas for Decorating your Passover Table

    This Passover you can experience the Holiday and its significance in a slightly more creative way: Here are some original…

    The Patients Who Survived Their Prognosis

    Prof. Moshe Frenkel, a Clinical Associate at the University of Texas, and chairman of the Israeli Society for Complementary Medicine,…

    Giving Charity with a Smile

    The reason that people tend to find it difficult to give charity with a smile is because there are so…

    Prayer Before Reciting Tehillim – Psalms

    יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְפָנֶיךָ יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ וְאֱלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵינוּ, הַבּוֹחֵר בְּדָוִד עַבְדוֹ וּבְזַרְעוֹ אַחֲרָיו, וְהַבּוֹחֵר בְּשִירוֹת וְתִשְבָּחוֹת, שֶׁתֵּפֶן בְּרַחֲמִים אֶל קְרִיאַת מִזְמוֹרֵי…

    Mechutanim Before You

    Representatives of the rich man came to clothe the chasan in beautiful expensive new clothing

    Phone Invasion – Is Invasion of Privacy with no Monetary Loss Illegal According to Jewish Law?

    Is it permissible to touch or use another persons cellphone without permission?
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